- Cold-weather fish kills regulations information New!
- Saltwater Fishing Regulations
(5MB) - January 2010
- Chart of saltwater species, size limits, closed season and bag limits.
(188KB) - January 2010
- Julio, 2009, Boletín Pesquero, de agua salada y Recreativo de Regulaciones
- Full Rule Text by Species
- Evolution (History) of Each Regulation
- Archived Saltwater Regulations (2001-2009)
- Gulf of Mexico Federal Regulations - Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council
- Atlantic Federal Regulations - South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Reef Fish
Crabs, Shrimp, Lobster - Recreational
- Blue Crabs
- Blue Land Crabs
- Stone Crabs | Measure
- Shrimp
- Lobster | Measure
- Monroe County Lobster Harvesting Information
Other Saltwater Species - Recreational
- Sharks
- Bay Scallops
- Shellfish
- Sea Shells
- Recreational Harvest of Marine Life (Aquarium) Species
- Tarpon in Boca Grande
- Spearing | Regulations for Spearfishing for Monroe County
- Daily Bag Limits for Extended Trips
- Highly Migratory Species
- Atlantic HMS Angling Permits